Thursday, April 16, 2009

Going to INTI~~~

I'm going to Inti College next month, starting 4th of May...

It's kinda weird right??? I think it's weird~~ wth???



Ok. It's not like what you guys think, ok?? Haha...

Actually, I'm just going to give it a try on this course, see whether I like it or not.. (Coz I'm not sure whether I'm interested.. wth.. ) I'm just going to study that for semester 1 or 2 only. Just have a basic knowlegde in hotel management and so on~~ So it's going to be much easier for me next time. It's kinda a waste of money, yeah, I know, but I think it's much better rather than studying abroad, and if you still don't like hotel management.. Haha...

Want to ask you guys a question:

What do you guys think of hotel management?? Do you think there's going to have lots of job oppurtunities in the future?? These questions are really bugging me these days.... Haizzz...

谁叫我就是对这科特别有兴趣啊?? Haiz haiz haiz..... Really don't know what to do...........

1 comments on "Going to INTI~~~"

nee on May 10, 2009 at 12:22 AM said...

hotel management is great!
at least dat's wad i heard from one of my frens..
she said her assignment is to "visit" hotels n do some research..
it'll be fun i thk~
haha~btw,js enjoy urself~
+oil~~dear Ellin~^^


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